Can You Be More Specific
Customer: I need to put in an order for some fondue meat.
Me: Sure thing! How much are you looking to get?
Customer: A lot!
Me: Um...okay. How much is that?
(Blank Stare)
Me: How many people are you serving?
Customer: A bunch!
Me: If you tell me a rough estimate, I can figure out how much you need. Roughly, 8oz is a serving size.
(Blank Stare)
Customer’s Wife: Jesus, Ed. It’s not that hard. We’re serving 7 people for Christmas.
Me: Okay. I can do that! When would you like to pick it up?
Customer: The 21st, the 22nd, or the 23rd. Or maybe I’ll come in on the 24th! I’ll let you know when I show up!!