Do You Eat Meat?

Customer: I don’t eat meat.

(I wait for her to finish what she was saying. She stops talking and looks at me)

Me: Okay. Is there something I can help you with?

Customer: I need to get a steak for my husband. I don’t eat meat.

Me: Sure. Do you know what kind of steak he likes. 

Customer: He said he likes fillets. I don’t eat meat.

Me: Okay. I’ve got sirloin fillets and tenderloin fillets. Probably....

Customer: I don’t eat meat.

Me: Both are good steaks. The tenderloin is going to be better. It’s kinda the top level for steaks.

Customer: I don’t eat meat.

Me: Let’s go with the tenderloin fillet.

(I wrap up the steak. She holds it with two fingers, like it’s a dirty diaper.)

(She starts to walk away with a look of disgust on her face. She stops, and turns back to me)

Customer: I don’t eat meat.