Customer: How much snow crab you get for $15.99?
Me: A pound is about 4 clusters.
Customer: Only 4?!?
Me: Yes.
Customer: Show me 4 then.
(I bag up four)
Me: It’s $16.02
Customer: You know the bag weighs like a gram.
Me: It takes off a tare of almost a tenth of a pound for the bag.
Customer: Put 4 more in!!
(I crab another cluster.)
Customer: I want the snow crab!
Me: This is snow crab.
Customer: Give me the ones with meat on them.
Me: Which clusters do you want?
Customer: The ones with meat.
Me: Which ones?
(She refuses to point or direct me to the ones she wants. Eventually, I get ones she likes)
Customer: Give me a bag of shrimp!!
Me: How much do you want?
Customer: I thought you had some on special.
Me: This is on special. $12.99 a pound.
Customer: Man, give me the fucking special then!
Me: I am. How much do you want? A pound?
Customer: Yeah, damn it.